Subscription information

This is how subscriptions work

Subscriptions are automatically renewed according to the delivery interval you have chosen and the products are automatically delivered by hitschies after each successful renewal.
For example, if you have taken out a monthly subscription, the system will automatically charge your payment method each month and you will receive the products delivered to your home each month without you having to place the order yourself.

Can I pause or cancel a subscription?

Yes, of course. You can pause or cancel a subscription at any time in the customer portal, as shown in the screenshot below. The only case in which the subscription cannot be canceled is if you have started a subscription that requires a certain number of payments. This can only be canceled after the minimum number of payments have been made.

Subscription to customer portal

You can access the customer portal via the link you received in the email sent to you when you first ordered a subscription in the shop. You can also access your subscriptions if you have created a customer account on .

How can I cancel or postpone a fee?

You can skip or postpone the fee in the customer portal. There is a Skip Payment button next to each scheduled delivery that allows you to skip the fee. You can postpone payment by clicking the postpone button next to the delivery date.

Can I add products to my subscription?

Yes, of course. You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Simply click the Edit button in the product card and edit, remove or add products to your subscription.

What happens if the payment cannot be processed?

If the subscription cannot be renewed because a payment cannot be processed, you will receive an email with a link to securely update your payment method.

What happens if a subscribed product is not available?

If a product is not available at the time of re-shipment, payment and delivery will be postponed until the product is available again. Payment will then take place automatically as usual and you will receive the delivery promptly.
If a product is not available more than once, you will receive a special right of cancellation and can cancel your subscription immediately. In this case, please contact us at .